Friday, March 28, 2008


Well I think I was taking the wrong approach looking for the “magic” program or technique to fix writing problems which was naïve of me. I know better than to think any one approach will work for everyone, after all, I’ve built my entire class on coming up with ways to teach kids individually. Regardless, my few students with severe writing difficulties probably need to start at a more basic level and I’m starting to see how I am probably part of the problem and so is the school system. I am pressured by the school and parents to prepare kids for middle school and I in turn try my hardest to get my students to write even those that simply can’t. I’m really just frustrating them. I discovered a program called Fast ForWord. There are a number of products associated with this program. I have had some students use the reading programs with great success but I was not aware that they also had language programs. At this site: one can find a description of the Language Basics program. For those who are unfamiliar with Fast ForWord, it is a set of products that “develop brain processing efficiency through intensive, adaptive software exercises.” There are products for the elementary and secondary levels and the program claims to have one to two year gains in 8-12 weeks of use. The Language Basics program works to improve memory, visual and auditory attention, visual processing, and sequencing skills. It also builds computer skills and techniques. For students who advance past the Basics program, there is a follow up program called Fast ForWord Language which is for slightly older children. Perhaps my only concern is the cost. The website does not display a price for the program but I’ve been told it is quite expensive. It still seems worth recommending to parents and even suggesting it is placed on the school wish list.
It is my belief that without the proper foundation for learning and acquiring knowledge, students will be lost. For students with severe language problems, one must consider the idea that extreme remediation needs to take place. The website explains that the software works as an exercise program for the brain and this makes good sense. Right now I’m asking kids to run a marathon before helping them practice running a mile. Regardless of what program is used, remediation seems to be the answer.


abaralt said...

I have heard of Fast ForWord before but can't remember if it is from reading about it somewhere, or if it is because our Academic Service department uses it at school. I'll ask and see. If they do use it, I'll try to get more information for you.

Jessica said...

I like the fact that there is additional software for students who advance past the basic level. Too often we're left with nothing for those kids who master the skill!

Sue Harner said...

I haven't heard of this program before. I found it interesting how the words at the low level were pronounced so slowly. I am not familiar with this type of repetition for language learning. I'm glad you have taken a step back to look at what you know best for your students. It is so hard to be under such pressures to get students ready for the next level.