Saturday, March 8, 2008

A New Blog is Born

The first question I should answer is maybe not even your question. I’ll explain anyway. The title, Something-Insightful comes from my main site found at which began as a way for me to explore the world of web design and blogging. I’ll only ask that you not look for updates there if you expect to find them here.
Posting to a specific topic is new to me. If you read any of my other blog, you’ll find there is no pattern, rhyme or reason to the topics which are so varied they sometimes make even my head spin. For the sake of good grades and useful practice, I’ve decided to explore the world of technology in exceptional student education. It’s an easy choice for me. As an ESE teacher any information I find can be used to better serve my students. As someone truly interested in what technology can do for students with special learning needs, I am excited to explore what’s out there in this field.
You’ll be “seeing” me soon!

“Expert” in the making,

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